title pe ak nk wat ni..blur2
7:46 AM | Author: Anonymous

assalamualaikumm ya habibi ya maulana..
eemm..ok2,ak try post gak ea.hehehe

emm..wat shuld i write aa?

emm..fes time when ak step on da floor..
seeing all da faces...agk nervous n takot.fo da fes time wei msuk clas yg mix ngn laki..
hehehhehhe..mybe sbb dlu ak skola 'gurl scool only'.ngea
so..ble tgok geng2 akhuya sume ni..ase cam takott..
ase kaki ni cam get redi naa sepak owg je.huahahaha
but ble lame2..ak ley adapt r ngn sume ni..

mybe kowg nmpak ak cam relax je.
tpi seyes r..ak senanye takott gle ngn bdak laki!!!
pretendin cam dri ni cool..huahahaha
pdhal gelabah smacam je.

em..deep inside my jntg,ak miss gle r kat korg!!!
bes en dpt new frens..esp aisah.mne xnye,da la same bT
pastu hosmet ak plak tuu.
n xley lupe r time kne tego ngn ustz
sbb duk men2 kat blakg.esp kalo da ngn syadza n fathi.
confem xleh duk diam.ak ase ak yg kaco dorg.
xpsal2 dorg gak yg kne.

eem...asifni ya ustz eaa..

last.ak naa minx maaf n sori byak2 (aik,bkn ke sori n maaf same je..hehe)
kalo ad slh silap o any joke yg xpatot di'joke'kn..hehehe
mne la tao lam 2 bulan kite sume dk stu clas ni..
ad yg bwase ati ngn ak..tguris,tcalar,ttikam n blablabla wtv laa.
minx halalkn sume2 ea.
(ase cam naa raye la plak..hehehhe)

not fog8 to nurina.hehehe.sori r pgil ko marshmallow.
ala..ko pon same je en pgil ak lolipop.
huahahahhha..nway,sori r.hehe
(bes pe pgil ko marshmallow..hehe)

pe2 pon..korg mmg BESSSS!!!!hehe


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